Leaks don’t just waste water. Even a small leak that’s left unresolved could end up causing considerable damage to your property. That’s why we recommend doing something about it quickly if you think you have a leak in your home.
Keep an eye out for leaks across your home by following these steps.
Regularly check areas that use water in high volumes
Check regularly behind and under appliances that use high volumes of water, like dishwashers and washing machines. You can also check the back of sinks or behind and around shower cabinets.
Signs of leaks include seeing moisture on floor coverings and walls and noticing a smell that doesn’t go away. If you spot either of these issues take quick action and call a plumber straight away.

Keep a close eye on your toilets for signs of a leak
Toilets can be accountable for more than 30% of the water use in your home. Making sure your toilet is not leaking is an important part of keeping that water consumption under control.
If your cistern is leaking you may notice that water still runs into the toilet even when you haven’t flushed recently. You can test this by adding a couple of drops of food dye to your cistern. If the water in the toilet bowl changes colour without flushing then you need to call a plumber to fix the leak.
Always keep a close eye around the base of the toilet and the junctions where pipes go into the wall or floor. If you see any regular unaccounted for signs of moisture call your plumber straight away.
Listen for the sound of running water
A leaking toilet or pipe can make a noise that you only notice when the house is at its quietest. If you think you can hear running water try to locate it in a specific room or space above or below the house. Make sure you eliminate any obvious explanations like a plumbed fridge or outdoor irrigation system.
Look out for signs or smells of moisture and, if you can, check under carpets or floor coverings to see if there are any visible signs of damp. Once you’ve done your best to locate the problem, call a plumber to help you resolve it.
Not all leaks are easy to find, but the good news is that the right technology can make them easier to locate and detect. If you think you have a leak under your concrete floor pad or in your underground drains; the right technology can help you to detect the problem without the expense of digging and searching. Remember the sooner you can get a leak repaired the smaller the amount of damage the water is likely to cause.
Look for signs of growth outside
Not all water leaks happen in your home. If tree roots, age, or construction work causes cracks in your underground drainage pipes, you may not hear or smell any signs of a leak.

As well as slow moving drains caused by pipes clogged by tree roots, you may spot the signs of a leak in a vibrant patch of lawn or area of plant growth in summer. If you have a part of your garden that seems to be enjoying moisture even when the rest is wilting in the heat: you may have a leak in your underground pipes.
Your Hawke’s Bay Plumbing and Drainage Experts
Being aware of the signs of a leak in your home will help you to spot one quickly if it should happen. Moving quickly can help you to minimise the damage and the cost of repair.
East Coast Plumbing and Gas have invested in Thermal Imaging and Drainage Cameras to ensure that we can provide the fastest most cost effective solution when your pipes have a leak. If you’re worried about an undetected leak, call us today. We can help you locate your leak before it does more damage to your home.