If the temperature is getting hot outside, you may be wondering how to avoid the heat indoors. As well as installing a heat pump that can cool your home, there are a range of techniques you can try to keep the temperature down in the hotter months. Here are some popular suggestions.
Keep cool by blocking the sun
One of the main ways your house is heated up in Summer is by sunlight coming into your home. If you want to keep the temperature down, take a look at your house and see if you can keep the sunshine out.

Start outside and consider shade sails, awnings or planting that could shade your windows and stop the full heat of the sun coming inside. If you go for greenery remember to focus on deciduous plantings. In Winter you probably want to enjoy the warmth from the sun while blocking it in Summer.
If you can’t protect your windows from the outside, try covering them on the inside. Window coverings can be expensive so focus on the windows that let in the most sunshine. Try blockout curtains or blinds designed to diffuse the light from the sun.
Open up your home in the evening and early morning
In the stickiest summers it may not feel like it cools down much at night but even a couple of degrees could make a big difference in your home. During the warmer months you can bring the temperature down a little by getting into the habit of opening your windows and doors in the morning and evening to let in the cooler air. If security and bugs are not an issue, leaving windows open overnight can help to cool your home.

Keep cool even when your house heats up
If you’re trying to cool yourself down you may get more relief from focusing on your own body rather than trying to cool a whole room. Cool showers, icy drinks and ice blocks, and cold compresses are a good way to bring your body temperature down. Try running cold water over your wrists for an instant cooling effect.
Don’t add to the heat in your house
Keep the temperature down in your home and avoid using appliances that could warm things up. Energy efficient light bulbs can help you reduce the heat generated from lighting. Try to cook on the BBQ or on your hob during the hottest days and avoid switching on the oven which will generate more heat in your kitchen.

Any electrical appliance can generate heat when it’s switched on. The hot summer months are an excellent opportunity to both save energy and reduce unwanted heat by making sure you switch off any appliance you aren’t using.
Become a fan of your fan
Air movement can go a long way to making it feel like it’s cooler in your home even if the temperature stays the same. Using a fan can help you to feel cooler during the day or during the hot hours of the night.
There are plenty of tips to make the most of your fan. If you haven’t tried it before, try turning your fan to face the window in the evening, to circulate the air across your room and push the warm air out. You could also try placing a bowl of ice and water in front of your fan to circulate cooler air across your room.
Cool your bedding for a good night’s sleep
Just as we heat our beds up in Winter, cooling your bed in Summer can be an effective way to promote a better night’s sleep. Try to choose natural fabrics for your bed and make sure you choose the lightest duvets or sheets for a cooler night’s sleep.
Try chilling your pillow cases in the fridge or freezer before you go to bed at night. You could also try freezing your ‘hot’ water bottle by filling it with icy water and placing it at the foot of your bed. Just take care in case the lower temperatures damage the rubber – it’s a good idea to give it a thorough inspection before you switch it back to hot water and Winter mode.

Insulate your home for a cooler Summer
Just as insulating your home properly in Winter keeps the heat you generate inside, it’s also important for keeping your home cool in Summer. Insulation keeps the heat of a Summer’s day outside and makes it easier to keep your home cool. For tips on Insulating your home you can read our blog on How to enjoy a more energy efficient home with insulation.
Helping households across Hawke’s Bay to enjoy a cooler Summer
Have you found the best way to cool your home? East Coast Plumbing and Gas now supply and install heat pumps from Rinnai. If you’re located in Napier, Hastings, Havelock North or in the wider Hawke’s Bay region: call us today and we can help you explore the best heat pump for your home or business.
Rinnai’s high wall heat pumps give you control over the temperature of your room with energy efficient running and easy controls. You can even set the temperature remotely with Rinnai’s smart app technology.
Rinnai’s ducted heat pumps give you control of the temperature across your whole home – allowing you to cool it in Summer and warm it in Winter. You can even manage your home environment remotely with Rinnai’s smart app technology.
Contact us today to explore your options for a cooler home this Summer.