That’s the conclusion that David Booth came to, when he decided to add a water filtration system to his Napier home. The results were so good that when he moved house to another home in Napier, he called in East Coast Plumbing and Gas to do the same job again.
Water filtration removes chemicals from Napier mains water
David has sensitive skin and is allergic to chromium. He believes it’s the chlorine in the Napier water supply that gives him an allergic reaction, which he describes as creating a burning sensation on his skin. That’s why it was important for him to install a whole home filtration system. He wanted both his drinking water and the water used in the laundry and in the bathroom to be clean.
“Well, I didn’t want to muck around just putting in the under sink one. We had it set up so that the front tap on the house was unfiltered. So if you wanted to wash cars or do anything like that out the front you weren’t going through your filter system.
Other than that, the rest of our house was filtered. So it covered even our clothes in the washing machine, drinking water, shower, toilet, everything was filtered.”
Water filtration removes all the impurities you might not normally see
David enjoyed the improvement in his water quality once the water filtration system was installed. And he got further proof that he’d made the right decision when he changed the filter on the system for the first time. David changes the filters himself and says the job is easy. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t shocked when he saw what the filter had collected.
“I think we change it yearly, or maybe every 18 months. If you had seen it the first time I changed it – if you had seen the colour of it. It was like a slimy chocolate brown.”
“The only way to fix it is to filter it”
Choosing East Coast Plumbing and Gas to do the job of installing the water filtration system was just a matter of good timing. Not long after David and his partner had decided to investigate investing in water filtration, they met Emma and Sean Patrick at one of Hawke’s Bay’s Home Show events. Once introduced, it was easy to book them in and get the job done.
“If you don’t like the taste of the water or keep complaining about the chlorine, then the only way you’re going to fix it is to filter it. You can buy one of those filters that go on your kitchen tap pretty cheaply but the problem is you’re still showering in it. That’s why I would recommend whole home water filtration – the whole system is the only way you can fix it.”

East Coast Plumbing and Gas get the job done right
Installing a water filtration system wasn’t the only improvement that David decided to do to his new Napier home when he moved. So it was great to be able to get East Coast Plumbing and Gas to install a new dishwasher as well as fit the water filtration system. David’s been really happy with the improvements he has made to his home.
“East Coast Plumbing and Gas did the job fine. It’s all nice and tidy and there’s no issues at all. We haven’t had any problems and they haven’t had to come back or anything . It does everything it should do.”
If you’re unhappy with the quality of your water supply or you suspect you might be allergic to a chemical in the water, a great place to start is to test your water supply. If you would like to install water filtration in your home, contact the team at East Coast Plumbing and Gas.
East Coast Plumbing and Gas install Puretec water filtration systems in homes across Hawke’s Bay, giving households and businesses cleaner, purer water. Find out more about how Water Filtration systems work here.
You can contact East Coast Plumbing and Gas online to request more information about Water Filtration or call on 06 211 6462 and a member of our team will be happy to help.