Water Quality in Hawke’s Bay


Good clean water is an important part of everyday life. Whether you’re drinking it, washing in it or cleaning with it; you don’t want any nasty surprises and you need to know it’s safe.

In this article we take a look at the kind of issues you may experience with water quality and how we can help. 

If you have any questions about the water quality in your home or business, don’t hesitate to contact our team. East Coast Plumbing and Gas can help you to test, treat and protect your water supply so that you know what comes out of your taps is always safe to consume.

Town water quality problems in Hawke’s Bay

It’s common to assume that if you’re on a town water supply you shouldn’t have any problems with your water. Unfortunately that’s not always true.

Chlorine in the Hawke’s Bay town water supply

In Hawke’s Bay, one of the immediate problems affecting water quality is the addition of chlorine to the town water supply.  Hawke’s Bay water is drawn from underwater aquifers that are at risk of becoming contaminated. For this reason the Council in Hastings and Napier have made the decision to treat the water supply with chlorine.

While chlorine is effective at removing bacteria from water, it can leave a residual smell and taste that not everyone can tolerate. In some cases where people suffer from sensitive skin or conditions like eczema, chlorine can also prove to be a skin irritant.

Cleaning the water mains in Hawke’s Bay

Like all councils, our local councils have a responsibility to keep our water supply safe and clean. Periodically this means clearing the pipes. The water mains in Hawke’s Bay is currently undergoing cleaning.

What this translates into is often brown, dirty looking water coming out of taps, as the dirt and build up inside pipes is flushed through. This can lead to concerns about water quality and safety as the residue from within the system comes out of your taps and pipes.

Improving your town water quality in Hawke’s Bay

If you want to remove chlorine from your town water or you’re concerned about contamination from pipes or general cleanliness of your water; East Coast Plumbing and Gas can help.

We have a range of solutions available that can help you to clean chemicals from your water, soften hard water, and filter the incoming mains supply. Because we apply our filtration systems to your whole water supply, you can enjoy clean water wherever you use it in your home.

If you would like to explore your options, contact the team at East Coast Plumbing and Gas today. We can help you understand the cost and benefit of adding water filtration to the mains supply in your home or business.

Rural water quality problems in Hawke’s Bay

If you’re extracting water from a bore or you’re dependent on rainwater for your household supply, you’re responsible for monitoring and maintaining your water quality.

Bore water collection in rural Hawke’s Bay

Bore water draws on underground supplies of water. Due to the location of the underground supply, bore water can sometimes become contaminated. Water quality can be impacted by a range of problems from heavy metals to chemicals and bacteria that drain from surrounding land during rainier months.

To get an accurate understanding of your water quality, we recommend that customers on a bore water supply carry out water testing annually. The results of this test can be used to ensure that the right filtration system is in place and is successfully filtering out any contaminants that could affect the health of people in your home or business.

Rainwater collection in rural Hawke’s Bay

Rainwater collection is the most common way to provide water to rural properties. Water is collected from the roof and stored in water tanks ready for use across the year. 

Water quality in rainwater collection can be impacted by the cleanliness of the roof and guttering. Birds, animals and surrounding trees can all leave waste on roof spaces and in guttering, which is washed into the rain water collection system when it rains. In some instances this can lead to contamination of the water supply.

Improving your rainwater quality in rural Hawke’s Bay

Most rainwater collection systems include two stage water filtration and/or UV water filtration systems. These filter out contaminants from your water and help you to ensure that the people in your home or business who are consuming the water do not get sick. 

We recommend water quality testing in rainwater systems every four or five years, so you can rest assured that your water quality is being effectively maintained. Regular testing and maintenance of your water filtration system can help you to identify any issues, including when you may need to change filters (usually at least once every 12 months), add a steriliser to your tanks or get your tanks cleaned.

How we can help you enjoy good water quality

East Coast Plumbing and Gas can provide you with support with your water quality today, and tomorrow. If you already have water filtration systems in place, we can review your existing system, maintain it and help you to understand if it’s the best solution for your water supply.

If you would like to add water filtration to your existing supply of water, we can work with you to identify the best solution for your water quality and your budget. We can also help you install complete water systems if you’re building a new home and need to both collect rainwater and dispose of wastewater.

Contact us today and find out more about how we can help.

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