If you’re installing a new hot water system then you might want to explore your energy options. Each type of energy has its own advantages and benefits, and its own hot water heating systems. If you’re trying to find out your options; read on to find out more.
How do I choose the right hot water system?
Before you even consider what type of energy will work for your hot water system, it’s important to consider a few other factors that could impact your decision.
How much does a hot water system cost?
Price is an important factor when you’re choosing the right hot water system for your home or business. When you explore the cost of generating hot water; remember to look at both the upfront/installation cost of your system and the day-to-day running costs. Some systems are cheaper to install and more expensive to run, while others may involve more cost upfront but be more efficient in the long-run.
Is there a renewable energy solution?
If you’re concerned about the environmental impact of your hot water system then it’s important to understand how efficient it is (how much energy is wasted vs. what’s used), how clean your energy source is (what kind of pollutants or by-products it creates) and how renewable your energy source is (is it a finite resource or can it be regenerated).
What’s the right size of hot water system for your needs?
Your hot water system should support the day-to-day needs of your household. You can also bear in mind how often you might have guests to stay (as that might increase your requirements) or any fluctuations in overall usage. Planning realistically for what you need will help you avoid installing a system that is too big or too small.
What’s the right energy source for my hot water system?
There are 4 main energy sources for hot water systems. Choosing the right one for your home will depend on your home’s existing hot water infrastructure, where your home is located in Hawke’s Bay, what your budget is, and what your priorities are. Let’s take a look at what’s available.
Heat your hot water with electricity
Electricity is one of the most common ways to heat your hot water system. Electricity-powered hot water systems use a hot water cylinder to heat water and store it until you need it. Hot water cylinders range in size, allowing you to match the right size to your household’s hot water consumption. Hot water systems vary in efficiency. Hot Water Heat Pumps use the latest technology and are currently the most efficient way to heat hot water with electricity. Find out more about Hot Water Heat Pumps here.

Heat your hot water with gas
Gas is a popular choice for hot water heating because it allows you to generate a continuous flow of hot water. Continuous flow hot water systems are only available with gas. They heat water as you need it and then stop working when you’re not using any hot water. This means they’re a very efficient and flexible way of heating hot water, and they can easily adapt to extra guest in the household and additional hot water demands.
Gas hot water systems can also come with hot water cylinders. Depending on the availability of gas at your home you can choose between mains gas and LPG cylinders.
Using solar energy to heat your hot water
If your focus is on renewable energy or you already have solar panels; you might like to investigate heating your hot water with solar power. Solar power harnesses the sun’s energy to generate electricity that can power a hot water system and heat your hot water. Solar hot water systems store your hot water in a hot water cylinder. If you choose solar power to heat your water it can be advisable to have a backup energy source for if solar power is not available.

Heating your hot water with a wetback fire
Wetback fires use wood or pellets to generate enough heat to warm rooms in your home and your hot water. Choosing the right size of wetback fire means understanding how much energy you need to heat your home as well as how much you need to heat your water. Wetback fires use wood – in logs or pellets – which is considered to be a renewable energy source. It’s important to understand your local council’s regulations around wood-burning before you invest in a wetback fire.
Ask an expert, choose the right hot water system
The team at East Coast Plumbing and Gas have been helping our customers make the right choice of hot water system for their Hawke’s Bay homes for years. We know that choosing the right hot water system is a balance of what you can afford, how much hot water you need, and what’s going to deliver the best value for years to come. Because we’re experts in hot water systems, we can make sure you understand all of your options before you make the decision that’s right for you.
Once your hot water system is in place, we can also help you to maintain and service it so it gives you value for years to come. Why not book an appointment today so we can help you plan and install the right hot water system for your home.