How to choose the right hot water heater for your home


Does your home or business need a new hot water heater? You may be suffering from a failed hot water heater, or perhaps you’re renovating or building and looking for a more efficient appliance.

Whatever your situation, the best way to choose the right hot water heater for your home or business is to answer some simple questions. Let’s take a look at what you need to know, before you can choose the right appliance to meet your hot water heating needs.

How many people need hot water in your home?

One of the easiest ways to get a handle on the kind of hot water heater that you need is to establish how many people live in your home. Obviously the more people live in your home the greater your hot water needs. 

You should also consider your variable needs or how your needs may change based on occupancy in the next 5 to 10 years. Do you regularly have friends and family to stay? Who lives in your home and what are their individual needs? Do you need to cater for people who will consume more in the next 5 to 10 years? For example children growing into teenagers or couples starting families.

How much hot water do you use?

Hot water isn’t just about doing the washing up. It’s also about keeping your home, family, and clothes clean. Your needs from your hot water heater will differ based on whether you choose to do all your washing on a cold wash; love to take a bath once a week; or have a teenager who loves to spend too long in the shower.

When your hot water heater supplier asks you lots of questions about your lifestyle they aren’t being nosey. Getting information about how you use your hot water and how much you’re using makes it easier to recommend the right model of hot water heater and the right source of energy to heat your water.

What is your budget?

Buying a hot water heater is just like buying any other item on your shopping list. There are cheap options, middle of the road or value options, and the all-singing all-dancing varieties that come with more features and benefits.

As well as understanding what your needs are and what type of consumer of hot water you are; it’s also important to establish your budget upfront. Hot water heaters come with three costs: installation, running costs and maintenance. If you want to get the most from your hot water heater it’s a good idea to work out your budget for all three.

Do you have a preferred energy source for your hot water heater?

If you’re adding a hot water heater to your existing home, you may already know what energy source you need to work with. If you’re renovating or building a new home you may want to explore the options and find out what energy source is going to be most efficient and cost effective for you.

Whether you want to explore using a renewable energy source like solar or geothermal energy, or you’re keen to switch to the efficiency of gas. Exploring your energy source options is an important part of understanding which hot water heating appliance is going to function for you.

Why we often recommend gas hot water heaters

East Coast Plumbing and Gas can help you to meet your hot water heating needs, whatever your consumption, budget or preferred energy source. We install all types of hot water heaters from electric hot water cylinders through to solar water heaters and heat pump technology.

We often find ourselves recommending gas hot water heaters to our clients. Gas hot water heaters are an efficient way to heat water whether your needs are small, large, or somewhere in between.

That’s because an Infinity Hot Water Heater from Rinnai heats water as you use it, and so only heats the water that you need at any time. It cuts out the cost of storing water at the right temperature just in case you turn on a tap. Your Infinity Gas Hot Water Heater can easily connect to your mains or rural water supply and provide you with hot water on demand.

Infinity Hot Water Heaters use gas from either a mains or cylinder gas supply: a reliable and efficient source of energy. A small quantity of gas goes a long way with an Infinity Hot Water Heater and we often find that the ongoing running costs fit well with our customer’s expectations of what they would like to spend for their monthly hot water bill.

Gas hot water heating is also flexible to your needs. If you have regular or occasional visitors, a growing family, or it’s your turn to wash the strips for your kid’s rugby team, your Infinity hot water heater will simply provide more hot water to meet your demand.

Choose the right hot water heater for your home, with East Coast Plumbing and Gas

Whatever hot water heater you would like to install, you can rely on East Coast Plumbing and Gas to deliver. We’ve been helping clients in Hawke’s Bay to choose and install the right hot water heater for their homes and businesses since 2015.

If you’ve already made a decision then you can book in your installation today. If you would like help exploring your options, our team will be happy to talk to you about which hot water heater is right for you.

Contact us today and find out more about how we can help.

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