Is my tap water safe to drink?

East Coast Plumbing and Gas - Tap Water Safety

If you’re worried about whether your tap water is safe to drink then this article is for you. We take a look at some frequently asked questions about New Zealand’s drinking water and provide answers to help you find out if it’s safe to drink.

Is your tap water safe to drink if you are on a town water supply?

If your house is connected to a town water supply then, wherever you are in New Zealand, your tap water should be safe to drink. You can find out who supplies your water here.

If you’re connected to town water in Hawke’s Bay then you should be able to safely use your tap water for drinking, cooking and all other uses around the home.

What chemicals are being added to my drinking water?

Different councils in New Zealand use different treatment processes to keep your drinking water safe and clean. To find out about your Hawke’s Bay drinking water and how it is treated, click on the relevant link below.

Hastings District Council Water Treatment
Napier City Council Water Treatment
Central Hawke’s Bay District Council Water Treatment

Enjoy chemical-free water straight from your tap. Ask East Coast Plumbing and Gas about our whole home water filtration products. Designed for your whole home: delivering fresh water to you.

Is your tap water safe to drink if you are not on a town supply?

If you use rainwater collection tanks or your home or business is supplied from a bore, you are responsible for making sure that the water that comes from your taps is safe to drink.

You can filter your water to keep it clean, and put steps in place to ensure that your water collection is set up to minimise the risk of contamination. If you would like help keeping your home or business water supply clean, contact East Coast Plumbing and Gas today.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council recommends that bore owners sample and test their water annually to check for E.coli, total coliforms, elevated levels of arsenic and drinking water standard parameters.

How can I test the quality of my drinking water?

Your drinking water is safe to drink if it meets the levels set out in the Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand 2022 – DWSNZ. You can find out how to test your water quality by contacting any of the laboratories who can perform the analysis.

Want to test your water supply? Contact East Coast Plumbing and Gas today. We can manage the sample, test and delivery of your water quality analysis.

Better service, better water quality

Whether your home is connected to town water supply or you’re using a bore or rainwater collection tank: East Coast Plumbing and Gas can help you enjoy better water quality in your home.

Our water filtration systems are tailored to your home, giving you the right level of water filtration to meet drinking standards and keep your household water clean. We can also help you manage the different stages of water collection to enjoy a cleaner, more reliable water supply.

Whole home water filtration is the right solution if you would like to remove chemicals from your town water supply that impact flavour, water quality, or allergies.

Contact our team today and we can work with you to find the best water filtration solution for your Hawke’s Bay home.

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